Ear reconstruction
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Ear reconstruction surgery involves a set of procedures performed by a surgeon to correct and reshape a patients ear. Ear surgery can be used to treat disease or injury whether it be the auditory tube, middle ear, inner ear or the vestibular systems. At the Royal Free we offer different types of Ear reconstruction surgery to our patients with our consultants being highly experienced and well trained.
At the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Mr Greg O’Toole MBChB MD FRCS(Plast) Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Mr Walid Sabbagh MB ChB MSc FRCS FRCS(Plast) Consultant Plastic Surgeon jointly lead Europe’s largest public hospital Centre for Ear Reconstruction for adults and children.
In total, over 100 ear reconstruction procedures of varied presentation are performed every year. The internationally recognised ear reconstruction centre of excellence sees children with congenital deformity of the ear, and adults who require reconstructive surgery following trauma where patients receive first-class care from an experienced team.